Indictments might stretch to entire African leadership –Amb. Kimonyo

Rwanda’s Ambassador to the United States, James  Kimonyo, has expressed concern  that indictments against Rwanda’s leaders might be the beginning  of similar ones against other African leaders.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Demonstrators thronged the venue of the G20 Summit to protest Kabuyeu2019s arrest

Rwanda’s Ambassador to the United States, James  Kimonyo, has expressed concern  that indictments against Rwanda’s leaders might be the beginning  of similar ones against other African leaders.

Kimonyo expressed this to The New Times last week at the Rwanda embassy in Washington. He was commenting on the arrest of Rwanda’s Chief of State Protocol, Rose Kabuye, in Germany and her conditional release by a French court.

Two judges from France and Spain issued indictments against Rwanda Defence Forces (RDF), officers, including Kabuye. The indictments have been widely condemned as fraudulent with Kabuye’s arrest sparking off protests in Rwanda and many parts of the world.

"If these indictments are not fought against, they will be an endless phenomenon. It will mean that they can be carried out anytime, against any person, as long as the judge has the powers to do so,” Kimonyo explained.

He said that it is not right to use false accusations to punish targeted people, arguing that this would make the principle of International Jurisdiction lose meaning.

He added that it is a war that has to be fought by Rwanda and Africa because it has the potential of extending throughout the continent.

He dismissed the French and Spanish indictments as lacking authenticity.

According to Kimonyo the French will find all ways to indict focused Rwandans because they (French) intoxicated those who committed the Genocide and would like to finish off what they started.

He said that such countries have a myth of being "our masters at one time, which is a problem because they cannot have direct rule now as they used to.”

He also pointed out the irony of the French in preaching independence and freedom.

"It is arrogance of the highest order. It is a way towards second colonisation while attempting to show that there is justice,” the Ambassador said. 

Kimonyo added that giving Kabuye bail is important because it is one of her rights, since she is innocent still to be proven guilty. He added that there is need for fast court proceedings since justice delayed is justice denied. And before proving her innocence she will remain a suspect.

"I hear she will appear in Court in January, which may lead to other delays. The acceleration will help, if guilty, be brought to justice, if not, be set free.”

He said that since investigations have been carried out, they expect France to accelerate the process.  " I am sure that the legal team will challenge the French system and work hard to see that it is done in a shortest period possible.

"The Judicial system handling the case is said to be independent, it is important if it is so and it would be good if it is not interfered by any political organization,” Kimonyo noted.

He explained that it is well known that the plane was not shot by RPF but by those who were not ready to share power with the Rwandese who wanted to return to their mother land in 1990s.

They were not happy with the then President because he was opting for power sharing.

"French troops refused people access to the crime scene. So many understand how France is doing this without basis and Kabuye’s arrest shows that it is a political issue, it is a kind of insubordination, especially if one is to consider a chief protocol’s status,”
