Illicit drugs destroyed in Kamonyi

Thousands of residents of Kamonyi District turned up to witness destruction of illicit drugs impounded during separate police operation in the area last year. The psychotropic substances included illicit gin under different brand names, cannabis and other locally made harmful drinks worth over Rwf15 million.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Thousands of residents of Kamonyi District turned up to witness destruction of illicit drugs impounded during separate police operation in the area last year.

The psychotropic substances included illicit gin under different brand names, cannabis and other locally made harmful drinks worth over Rwf15 million.

The mayor of Kamonyi, Emmanuel Bahizi, while speaking to the residents on Wednesday, appealed to them to own their security by reporting anyone that could be involved in distilling or drug trafficking.

"Make security equally your daily responsibility, like development. Your prosperity in your business and your safety in whatever you do or at home depends on the state of available security. These drugs are the obstacle to harmony in family, influence users to commit theft, rape women and defile minors, and worse still, has led to manslaughter and murder. Put a red line on that by reporting any drug dealer to police,” Bahizi said.

The District Police Commander, Chief Inspector of Police (CIP) of Kamonyi, Ndahimana Gisanga, warned that fighting drugs, among high impact crimes, remains one of the priorities and urged the residents to equally make it their priority in reporting anyone involved.

"We compiled 107 dossiers of all people who were arrested red-handed with these illicit drugs we have destroyed, which were forwarded to prosecution. Some of these people are facing varied prison sentences while others are still under judicial process. We will not tolerate anyone who tries to destabilise the social wellbeing of the people,” CIP Gisanga warned.

Fighting drug related crimes and breaking the chain of supply in particular, is among the Rwanda National Police (RNP) priority fields in crime prevention, according to the police officer.

Early this month, Police in Kigali also disposed of an assortment of narcotic substances, including 556 cartons of banned illicit gins and over 3000 pellets of cannabis valued at about Rwf15.3million.

Earlier other banned drugs including 200 kilogrammes of cannabis, valued at over Rwf46.4 million were seized in Gasabo last month.

In the same way, police in Musanze and Gicumbi districts seized and destroyed psychotropic substances worth over Rwf46 million, in the last three months.

The increase in the seized narcotic drugs, police say, is due to increased public awareness that has strengthened partnership and information exchange with the people, and intensified operations especially in prone border districts.