Learn as you travel

Education is not only got from class- rooms but from everywhere. Travelling is one of the best ways to relax and get to learn a lot of news things at the same time. It opens up your minds to new things.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Education is not only got from class- rooms but from everywhere. Travelling is one of the best ways to relax and get to learn a lot of news things at the same time. It opens up your minds to new things.

So travel whenever an opportunity comes up. This holiday, especially, as Christmas approaches, families usually love going upcountry to celebrate with other relatives.

This is a marvellous thing to do because you can finally get away from the busy town life and enjoy a new life experience in the countryside.

Besides, Rwanda is a beautiful country with various national game parks in Ruhengeri, Gisenyi and Butare.  People in these places have a rich culture.

Sometimes, it’s important that children go beyond Kigali’s city centre in order to explore new places. Keeping an open mind as you travel will renew your thinking about certain things.

You also learn more about the world outside your home and school since life is not the same everywhere. The more you travel, the more you are exposed and the more knowledgeable you become.

Staying in one place is like staying in a box, you get to know only what is happening in that box.
