Council President warns on graft

WESTERN PROVINCE RUBAVU — The newly elected President of Rubavu district advisory council Rachael Nyirasafari, has said that they will do every thing possible to ensure good governance at the district.

Monday, November 24, 2008


RUBAVU — The newly elected President of Rubavu district advisory council Rachael Nyirasafari, has said that they will do every thing possible to ensure good governance at the district.
She was addressing councillors recently in Gisenyi town, at a meeting held to assess the interaction between leaders and residents.

Nyirasafari warned that the council will never tolerate any leaders involved in graft.

"There are leaders who have been misusing the district’s funds. We recently had such cases in the Busesamana and Bugeshi Sectors where officials in charge of good governance and agronomists were misusing funds meant to improve people’s welfare. The investigations are on and such leaders will be sacked and punished by law,” she said stressing that local leaders should always use all the available district funds to improve people’s lives.

"We are civil servants who work for the people, and a good leader should focus on hard work towards the improvement of his subject’s living conditions rather than embezzling the funds that would help them,” she added.

Among other issues on the agenda was completing the creation of various commissions of the council- which she said closely follow up various activities in the district.

"We are doing our best and working hard towards the district’s development, we are happy to see that the provincial authorities are recognizing our efforts. We recently received a letter from the Provincial headquarters thanking us for the good work,” she proudly said.

She said the economic development commission which has been instrumental in following up various district services provided to the people.

Other commissions include the youth, culture, women and welfare commission that have closely followed up the process of identifying and monitoring the construction of houses for the disabled and vulnerable genocide survivors.

According to the district officer in charge of good governance, Martin Habimana, the various commissions have helped his office to identify the right people to get the houses. He said that the district will soon achieve its plan of providing accommodation to all those without shelter.
