Youth encouraged to foster unity, fight Aids

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI — The Minister of Local government, Protais Musoni, has urged youth in the country to preach unity and reconciliation.

Monday, November 24, 2008


GICUMBI — The Minister of Local government, Protais Musoni, has urged youth in the country to preach unity and reconciliation.

Musoni who was flanked by the Youth minister, Protais Mitali was last Sunday closing a youth forum organised by the Byumba Catholic Diocese, at Groupe Scolaire Notre Dame de Bon Conseil.

The four-day event attracted over 1,500 youth from Rwanda and beyond.

"In addition to fostering unity among Rwandans, you should also be at the forefront in the fight against the spread of HIV/Aids in your communities,” Musoni urged.

Mitali on his part urged the youth to adhere to government development programmes and respect God’s Ten Commandments.

"A good Christian is one who adheres to God’s commandments and the laws of government,” he told the audience. On respect for human dignity, Mitali asked the youth to spearhead the fight against genocide ideology.

"The 1994 Rwandan Genocide was carried out by misguided youth, which is the reason you should be on the fore front to ensure genocide does not happen in Rwanda again,” added Mitali.

The Pope’s representative in Rwanda, Ivo Scapolo, implored the youth to be good witnesses of Jesus Christ’s teaching by opening up their hearts to be filled by the holly spirit.

"The Church needs your sacrifice in order to be strong in the holly spirit,” said Scapolo, urging the youth to desist from selfishness and greed in order to grow up as responsible Christians.

At the same meeting, the head of Byumba Catholic Diocese, Sereverien Nzakamwita, asked the youth to desist from hatred and unfaithfulness.

To have a good vision, he said, the youth should work hard and always search for knowledge to steer development in society.

"God wants all of us to love one another and live peacefully,” said Nzakamwita.

The event attracted youth from all Rwandan Catholic dioceses and those from the neighbouring Burundi. The governor of Northern Province, Boniface Rucagu and the Mayor of Gicumbi district Bonane Nyangezi, were among those who graced the ceremony.        
