Heavy rain blocks Huye-Nyamagabe road
Monday, January 15, 2024
A section of Huye-Nyamagabe road that was damaged by heavy rains in Karambi cell, Kigoma sector in Huye district on Monday, January 15. According to Rwanda National Police announcement, the road is temporarily closed to traffic until further notice. Courtesy

Rwanda National Police, on Monday, January 15, informed the public that Huye-Nyamagabe road was impassable after being damaged by heavy rains.

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Rwanda Meteorology Agency earlier warned that the south-western parts of the country will continue to experience above-normal rainfall up to January 20.

Due to road damage that occurred in Huye District, at Kigoma sector in Karambi cell, the road Huye-Nyamagabe is temporarily closed to traffic. "We urge road users to bear with the inconveniences. We will update you accordingly,” Rwanda National Police announced.

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The forecast by Rwanda Meteorology Agency warned that "impacts associated with heavy and accumulated rainfall are likely in south-western parts of the country where increased rainfall [ranging between 60 and 120 millimetres] is expected. Likely impacts of flooding, soil erosion and landslides in flood-prone areas. Preparedness and mitigation measures should be put in place to minimise impacts that may be caused by the expected rains.”

ALSO READ: Heavy rains cause large cracks on Huye-Nyamagabe road

The expected rainfall amount will be above normal amount mainly in Karongi, Nyamasheke, Rusizi, Nyamagabe, Nyaruguru, Huye, Gisagara, Nyanza Districts and southern parts of Ruhango, Bugesera, Ngoma and Kirehe Districts.

According to the Ministry in Charge of Emergency Management (MINEMA), in 2022 and 2023, heavy rain destroyed 104 road sections and 116 bridges.

Disasters killed 448 people, injuring 807.

The disasters completely destroyed 2,501 houses and damaged 11, 610 others, and 4, 094 hectares of crops were damaged while 1,400 livestock were killed.

About 500 classrooms, six health facilities, 50 churches, 46 administrative buildings, 112 transmission lines, and 11 factories were damaged.