Ruhango gets new Mayor

SOUTHERN PROVINCE RUHANGO — Céléstin Twagirumukiza has been elected new Mayor of Ruhango district.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


RUHANGO — Céléstin Twagirumukiza has been elected new Mayor of Ruhango district.

In the by-elections conducted by the National Electoral Commission last Friday, Twagirumukiza secured a landslide victory after beating his rival Eugene Nzungire, with 169 votes to 21, out of the total votes cast.

The electorate was composed of the district, sector and cell executive committees.

Twagirumukiza, has been serving as the Rugendabari Sector Executive Secretary.

The post fell vacant after Francios Byabarumwanzi, was recently elected to Parliament. The official handover ceremony will be held on November 27.

In his victory speech, Twagirumukiza thanked residents for their overwhelming support and promised to lead them to development.

"My vision is to serve the people of Ruhango to acquire riches, this calls for cooperation between leaders and residents in order to attain the district development goals,” he said.

The voters said the elections had been free and fair.

"The election success means that residents welcome the new leadership and we hope to work closely so as to raise the district socio-economic status,” Vedaste Mugemanyi, the vice Mayor said of the election.

On the same day, Théogene Rusangwa was elected as the chairman of the district executive council, replacing Antoine Murasira, who resigned the post recently. 

Observers say the newly elected Mayor has a big task ahead including steering Ruhango at the same pace of development that was set by his predecessor.

According to observers, one of the immediate challenges will be to build a team spirit among the district leaders as it’s alleged that there have been disagreements among them.

Twagirumukiza has previously received acclaim from residents in Nyabinoni and Rugendabari Sectors of Muhanga.
