District destroys kiosks

WESTERN PROVINCE KARONGI — The Karongi district leaders last week demolished several temporally kiosks built with mud and wattle in Kibuye town.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


KARONGI — The Karongi district leaders last week demolished several temporally kiosks built with mud and wattle in Kibuye town.

Authorities said the move was intended to eliminate all unplanned structures in order to pave way for the construction of new modern buildings.

About 15 kiosks and 12 houses in Bwishyura Sector where Kibuye town is located, near the main roundabout, were razed in the first phase.

Most of the kiosks and shops in Kibuye town operate from temporally structures.

There are only two modern commercial buildings there.

However, some of the owners who spoke to The New Times complained that the district did not give them enough time to relocate their businesses, yet most of them are still servicing bank loans.

"I got a loan worth Rwf600, 000 from the bank last year which I am still repaying. The district did not give us adequate time to get prepared, most of us have ended up incurring losses,” Eric Munyemana, one of the affected residents complained.

Another shop keeper, Jean Pierre Munyengabe, said the district should help them get another business site.

"The district should provide us a place where we can set up new businesses because we want to survive like other business moguls,” he said.

When contacted for a comment, the district Mayor, Bernard Kayumba said that the development was announced to residents earlier and warning letters were sent to the effect.

"They were informed several times that we need to improve the housing system of the town and these mud shops should be destroyed to give way to new investment plans. Kibuye town needs to get a new facelift like other towns,” he said.

He added that the district would allocate the affected residents other suitable places where they can operate their business.
