Ask Dr. Rachna Pande

These days cases of prostate cancer appear to be on the rise. I have been wondering about what causes this cancer, what are its symptoms and how it can be prevented. And who is more prone to this condition?

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Why is prostate cancer on the rise?

Dear Doctor,

These days cases of prostate cancer appear to be on the rise. I have been wondering about what causes this cancer, what are its symptoms and how it can be prevented. And who is more prone to this condition?


Dear Fred,

Prostate cancer usually appears in elderly men. What causes it is not known precisely. But several risk factors which increase probability of prostate cancer have been identified. Old age is definitely a risk factor. Family history is another factor. A man having a blood relative with prostate cancer is definitely at higher risk of developing prostate cancer. Similarly a female blood relative having breast cancer increases risk of prostate cancer in men, due to common cancer causing genes.. Men of African origin have more prostate cancer as compared to men of Asian origin. Obesity and lack of exercise are also known to increase risk of prostate cancer. In contrast regular exercise is said to protect against it. Food rich in anti oxidants also protect against prostate cancer.

Difficulty in passing urine, frequency of urination and mild incontinence, are common early symptoms of prostate cancer. Due to the difficulty in passing urine, small amount of residual urine is always present in the bladder, leading to infections. Urgency of urination, painful urination and even fever with or without nausea and vomiting can develop due to the bladder infection. Other symptoms develop due to spread of the cancer to various body parts like backbone and other bones, liver, e.t.c. parts.

Diagnosis is established by clinical features and a digital rectal examination. Higher than normal levels of prostate specific antigen (PSA) in the blood is yet another indicator of prostate cancer. Ultrasound examination and various scans show the growth in prostate and its spread to various parts.

Treatment is by surgery, radiation or chemotherapy, depending on stage of disease.


My house is infested with bed bugs

Dear Doctor,

My house has been infested with bedbugs for about six months now. All my efforts at eliminating them by spraying the house have not yielded any results. What brings about bedbugs? Do they pose bigger health risks? How best can I eliminate them?


Dear Elaine,

Bed bugs are not known to transmit any disease causing pathogen, yet they are known to cause discomfort physically as well as mentally.

Bed bugs bite and invariably itching occurs at site of the bite. This causes much discomfort. Scratching at site of bite can lead to secondary bacterial infection, resulting in swelling, redness, pain and even collection of pus at site of bite. Disturbed sleep due to bite of bedbugs leads to chronic headache, irritability, day time drowsiness and difficulty in concentrating at work.

A person can be allergic to bite of bedbugs. After a bite he/she can develop generalized skin rashes and even giddiness and breathing troubles in severe cases.

It is embarrassing for someone to have bedbugs at home. Any visitor coming and staying over, would avoid to come another time.

Bed bugs live in cracks of furniture and crawl over. To get rid of them, all the bedding can be removed, washed and dried in strong sunlight. Spray of some strong pesticide, twice every day for one to 2 days would also help. Changing the bed linen every week is also useful in preventing bed bugs crawling to linen and sticking over it. While cleaning the room, try cleaning each and every crack thoroughly with hot water and strong bleach.

The pest control department can help in advising use of pesticides.


What are the dangers of living in a noisy setting?

Dear Doctor,

I live near a carpentry workshop and the area is always buzzing with noise. Are there any health dangers of living in a noisy environment?


Dear Rema,

Living in a noisy environment is always unhealthy. Exposure to sounds continuously damages the hearing apparatus present in the ear. It can cause sensation of sounds in the ear(tinnitus) and vertigo. This may be associated with or without nausea and vomiting. Long time exposure to chronic noise can also damage the hearing of an individual. There are other associated problems like chronic headache, irritability and lack of sleep or sleep disturbances, difficulty in concentration.

More is the severity of sounds, the longer the duration one is exposed to sounds, the greater is the risk of subsequent health hazards. The ears can be plugged as a preventive measure to avoid health risks developing due to exposure to loud noise continuously.


Could I be suffering from nagana?

Dear Doctor,

About three years ago I visited an island. There were many tsetse flies and I suspect some bit me. These days I always feel sleepy. Could I have contracted sleeping sickness?


Dear Manuella,

Sleeping sickness is an infection caused by germs which are carried by tsetse fly. It causes a chronic sickness, manifested by fever, headache, uncontrollable sleepiness, mood changes, swollen lymph nodes all over the body. Untreated it is mostly fatal due to the swelling of the brain.

Following a tsetse fly bite, the disease can develop within weeks to months and even years after. Diagnosis in early stages is difficult due to lack of any specific symptoms or signs. However in later stages, it can be made by demonstrating the presence of causative parasites in the blood or lymph nodes. Treatment is by drugs like pentamidine and suramin.

As such, just to feel sleepy could be due to several other reasons as well. Staying up late in the night, drugs like anti allergy ones or sedatives, anxiety or depression, e.t.c. However if you have any doubt, it is advisable to contact the national reference laboratory and get tests done.