Beware of door to door beggars

Dear Editor,I would like to warn everybody that door-to-door beggars may be thieves.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Dear Editor,
I would like to warn everybody that door-to-door beggars may be thieves.

In my neighbourhood, there are children who go about knocking at people’s gates claiming that they need food or anything to drink.

Many of you who are practicing what the Bible says (help those in need) might be surprised to find out later that the kids have stolen more than a drink or food from you.

Recently they came to my house demanding for food as usual.

This time round they made sure I had entered the kitchen to get them a bite, and then they stole a lot that belonged to me.

Honestly I would never remember their faces even if Police arrested them so I urge fellow Rwandans avoid such problems by not entertaining the beggars closer.

Children are normally innocent but these ones are clearly trained by their parents to say all the nonsense they say and also to steal