Humour: Kibonge took more than he could handle

Is it not true that man will always eateth where he worketh? Ah yes! This was so evident a couple of years back when Aggrey and I got involved in the business of making wedding couples happy.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Is it not true that man will always eateth where he worketh? Ah yes! This was so evident a couple of years back when Aggrey and I got involved in the business of making wedding couples happy.

We did not make them happy by donating gifts and cash to them. No way, in fact if there was anyone who really needed donations in kind and in cash, it was us! We made these couples happy by providing them with first class service at their wedding ceremonies.

Specifically, we arranged for storekeeping services for wedding couples. In those mid 90s, storekeeping at wedding ceremonies had become a real problem. Intruders just used to gate crush the reception ceremonies and break into the stores to loot the drinks and nosh.

The graph was at the highest especially during the rainy season. Whenever the clouds turned dark and gave way for rain, wedding ceremonies turned into chaotic scenes. Guys would emerge from nowhere and burst into the stores to lift the crates of beer.

They would dash out under the rain and melt away beyond the horizon. With such fears in people’s minds, wedding meetings tended to concentrate on the issue of storekeeping. During those meetings, attendees would search for the best possible candidate who would stand at the store and be firm.

So when Aggrey and I received our first client, it was obvious that we would be faced with this immense problem. But then of course we remembered that Kibonge would carry out that job to perfection. First of all, he was muscular fellow.

Secondly, he had experience in such matters.

Thirdly, he was more than willing to help us out in our projects. And indeed the project went on smoothly for the first hour.

Kibonge stood firm at the stores and roared out commands to the ladies who fetched the drinks from him and distributed them to the waiting guests. Kibonge managed to chase away all those intruders until there was total peace.

Kibonge had become our hero! But Oooops! Not for long. Before we had realized anything, Kibonge had disappeared. The store was closed. Our barmaids were stuck because they had to serve another round of drinks and food to the wedding guests.

The Master of Ceremonies was frantically calling out for more service but it was not forthcoming! Where was our hero? Where was our tough looking storekeeper?

Aggrey and I got concerned. We were on the verge of destroying our business due to this kind of mismanagement. Anyways, we just took a tough decision. We decided to break down the door and restart the distribution of drinks.

After assembling tough young boys and men, we managed to bring down the door. To our amazement, we spotted none other than Kibonge himself sprawled all over the floor. In his right hand was a bottle of Primus.

In his left hand was a bottle of Waragi. Indeed, our storekeeper had decided to eateth where he worketh! Poor guy had zonked more than he could handle!
