A life in the day of .... The aged

A day in Damascene Edimaque  life is unpredictable. I do not know if I will get up and manage to walk on a day but with the help of God, I sometimes find my self able to wake up. Normally if I am not feeling sick, I wake up when there is some sunshine. But other wise you will never see me out when it is cold or when it has rained whether am sick or in good health.

Saturday, November 22, 2008
Tired: Damascene Edimaque spends most of his day resting.

A day in Damascene Edimaque  life is unpredictable. I do not know if I will get up and manage to walk on a day but with the help of God, I sometimes find my self able to wake up.

Normally if I am not feeling sick, I wake up when there is some sunshine. But other wise you will never see me out when it is cold or when it has rained whether am sick or in good health.

I sit down on a pavement to first warm up before I go back in the house to have my breakfast. On the pavement, they bring for me water to wash my face so as to have my breakfast.

My breakfast is always at 10: am. I take long to finish my breakfast as I have to first wait to have it cool. I do not take hot porridge.

After my breakfast I go back to where there is sunshine. This is always around... To me its never too hot. I will always long for more sunshine unless I feel so sleepy that I will go to my bed.

Out side I am alone and in silence. I try to break the boredom by engaging my self in creative activities. I sometimes find my self shaping wood into useful gadgets such as mingling sticks, walking sticks and hang lines.

This goes on till noon. By noon, I will have warmed up and ready to take a shower. With warm water, I sit down on a stool in the bathroom and slowly, I shower. It takes me about 30 minutes to finish.

After the shower I feel cold again but later when I have lunch, it gives me back some warmth. I always eat my lunch at 1: pm. Like breakfast I delay on lunch too as I first have to soften the food so as to swallow it.

By 2 pm, lunch is over. I head to my bed room again for a rest. I always sleep till 4pm. When I wake up, I head out side the gate to share a word with other people and to ease my body joints. But some times, I fail to wake up and do it only when I am having my supper.

I move back into the house before it is dark. At this time it is cold and I have to find warmth. I immediately head to my bed till super time. I eat my super at 9: pm and after that I go back to bed hoping to wake up the next day.