Appetite for RNIT Iterambere Fund reinvestment option surges further

The RNIT Iterambere Fund reinvestment option has attracted a lot of interest from the public, with figures indicating a 91 per cent preference level. The Fund offers two investment options, the reinvestment and saving options.

Monday, January 16, 2017
Gashugi urged workers to save with the Fund. / File.

The RNIT Iterambere Fund reinvestment option has attracted a lot of interest from the public, with figures indicating a 91 per cent preference level. The Fund offers two investment options, the reinvestment and saving options.

"The current trend indicates that many investors have been attracted by the reinvestment options because it facilitates them to save and reinvest their profit in order to consistently build their wealth, while the income option was chosen only by 8 per cent of investors. This option attracts investors who need to get their income periodically,” Andre Gashugi, the chief executive officer of the Rwanda National Investment Trust (RNIT), said.

He noted that some investors in the reinvestment option, have chosen the systematic investment plan which is an easy facility that helps regular income earners to invest a fixed sum, regularly, on a given date each month, so that one can implement a savings plan.

Gashugi encouraged employees in private and public sector companies as well as other regular income earners to choose this option. "This investment option can help workers to consistently invest an affordable pre-determined fixed amount in the scheme through the employer or through a standing order,” he said.

Meanwhile, the RNIT Iterambere Fund Net Asset Value (NAV) per unit has continued to increase over the past week, from Rwf102.53 on Monday last week to close at Rwf102.63 on Friday. According to Gashugi, one can participate in the Fund, regardless of income levels, to save and invest and with a minimum of as low as Rwf2,000. The low investment capital has enabled the Fund to attract more people and institutions, hence continue to grow consistently.

The current RNIT Iterambere Fund is a unit trust that addresses simultaneously the needs of both institutions, which seek to invest big amounts of money, and small individual investors who have small disposable income and want to be given the comfort of having a place in the capital market.