Dedicated public transport routes the way to go

I would like to provide examples in support of Ed’s idea. The idea of allocating specific lanes to buses has been effective in supporting workers and school children from getting stuck in unnecessary jams usually caused by individuals who want to drive alone to work in their personal cars.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Editor, RE: "Dedicate routes for public transport” (The New Times, January 10).

I would like to provide examples in support of Ed’s idea. The idea of allocating specific lanes to buses has been effective in supporting workers and school children from getting stuck in unnecessary jams usually caused by individuals who want to drive alone to work in their personal cars.

I have noted this is Lagos, Nigeria and I am sure you know how hectic the jam can be in this most populous country on the continent. The buses have the lanes and cannot be used by any other cars apart from special cases for ambulances.

As the plan to expand most of the roads in Kigali, this idea should be explored and if found effective, to be implemented. This is done in other countries as well. I know for Rwanda, there are challenges due to topography, but where possible let us try it. Franklin Gakuba Murangira