Cecafa women tourney off

The regional football governing body, Cecafa has called off the inaugural regional women Challenge Cup that was due to kick off October 20-28.

Friday, September 28, 2007

The regional football governing body, Cecafa has called off the inaugural regional women Challenge Cup that was due to kick off October 20-28.

Cecafa Secretary General, Nicholas Musonye disclosed on Thursday that the council had no option after its quest to secure last minute hosts failed to bear fruits.

Zanzibar was the initial hosts but opted out at the last minute, prompting Cecafa to write to other member states to rescue the event.

Uganda replied saying their Super League would start at the same time as the event while Rwanda responded to have closed Amahoro stadium for renovation.

Other countries did not respond like Tanzania, Ethiopia, Sudan and Kenya have not replied until today.

Although Cecafa had not secured sponsors for the event, they were relying on CAF’s $25,000 grant.

However, Musonye has confirmed that the regional body would hold the tournament next year.

He hopes that things will go to plan this time after Uganda and Ethiopia have already shown interest to stage the tournament.

The Cecafa SG also noted that it was regrettable the region was lagging behind in women soccer compared to other regions in the continent.

However, one of the top  local women’s football administrators who preferred anonymity told Times Sport yesterday that she wonders why the women tournament failed to kick-off among all the regional championships.

"I am disappointed with the way the whole region is not concentrating on the development of women football. It is only the women football that lacks sponsorship, playing fields, why? She wondered.
