Great benefits from EAC integration

Dear Editor, With great joy, I would like to acknowledge that we are already benefiting from the East African Community (EAC) integration. It is not only pleasing that soon the trade barrier issue will be out of the way but it is worth noting that so far so good.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Dear Editor,

With great joy, I would like to acknowledge that we are already benefiting from the East African Community (EAC) integration. It is not only pleasing that soon the trade barrier issue will be out of the way but it is worth noting that so far so good.

Good, partly because Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki confirmed that there is no need to posses a work permit in order to work in Kenya. His pronouncement comes at time Rwandan President Paul Kagame had already scrapped work permits for  EAC members who  want to work  in Rwanda.

This is like music to my ears. I believe the good political will by EAC leaders is set to boost development of member states, at a very fast rate now that professionals will be able to move and work freely in the region.

One more thing though, by now we should also be in position to drive through the region freely. Let the member states work on the driving permit issues. We do not have to process a new permit whenever we intend to work and stay in either states.
