Patriotism is the responsibility of every child

Being a child gives you the privilege to be on the receiving end of most things. However, this does not mean that you do not have any responsibilities at home, in your society or even in your country. For instance, every child has the responsibility to love their country.

Tuesday, January 03, 2017

Being a child gives you the privilege to be on the receiving end of most things. However, this does not mean that you do not have any responsibilities at home, in your society or even in your country. For instance, every child has the responsibility to love their country.

Loving your country is called patriotism. It is stipulated in article 22 paragraph one of the law relating to the rights and the protection of the child that each child must love his/her country Rwanda. Additionally, the motto of the Republic of Rwanda is "Unity, Work and Patriotism” according article six paragraph five of the constitution of Rwanda.

In order to help you to become a patriotic citizen, article 22 paragraph two of the law relating to the rights and the protection of the child states: "During the education stage of a child, civic education programs are included to allow him/her understand the basis of loving his/her nation.”

That is why the national curriculum includes social studies as a subject at primary school level. In this subject, you learn important things about the country such as the national symbols which are; the flag, the seal, the motto and the national anthem.

A child who loves his/her country will pay attention and endeavor to learn the colors and other elements of the national flag such as the sun and a stem of sorghum,and what those colors and elements represent. A patriotic child also learns the correct words of the national anthem and the proper way to conduct him/herself when the anthem is being sung.

In addition to Social Studies at primary level, cultural studies are included in extracurricular activities both in primary and secondary schools. By learning about the cultural practices of Rwanda, you are able to understand your identity which helps you to love yourself and also love your country.

You could also join patriotism clubs in school and participate in different activities such as debates, community work or umuganda.

The other way of being patriotic is paying attention in class in order to gain the knowledge and skills that you can use to come up with ideas to develop the country. It’s never too early to do something great.

You can decide to make it your New Year’s resolution to become a patriotic child. And remember, patriotic children make great leaders now and in the future.