Kigali capable of being preferred holiday destination

While I take this opportunity to wishing all your esteemed readers the peace and joy of Christmas and a Happy New Year 2017, please allow me to also share with one and all that this article explained the evolution of Christmas festivities, the novel slogan “I Am Kigali” will also transform the city into a Christmas holiday destination.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Editor, RE: "Then and now: The evolution of Christmas festivities” (The New Times, December 23).

While I take this opportunity to wishing all your esteemed readers the peace and joy of Christmas and a Happy New Year 2017, please allow me to also share with one and all that this article explained the evolution of Christmas festivities, the novel slogan "I Am Kigali” will also transform the city into a Christmas holiday destination.

Rwanda Tourism, as well as the newly appointed dynamic Vice Mayor for Social Affairs, will leave no stone unturned to ensure that the spotlessly clean and safe City of Kigali will emerge as a preferred holiday destination.

Marketing always plays a key role.

The marketing and branding strategy for Kigali will surely pay rich dividends and various tourism products will be sought after right here. Clarence Fernandes