All I want for Christmas

I could list a million things I want for myself this Christmas but in line with a message from one of my favourite pastors, here are three things I want for all of humanity.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

I could list a million things I want for myself this Christmas but in line with a message from one of my favourite pastors, here are three things I want for all of humanity.

Peace on Earth

I think there’s a Christmas Carol to that effect. Baby Jesus was born so we could all have "peace once more” and yet that’s the one thing that has eluded our world for centuries.

Carnage in Syria and Iraq, violence just next door in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a country with enough resources for everyone if those in power weren’t only looking out for their own interests; Gambia, which we all thought was on the right path to democracy when incumbent President Yahya Jammeh initially conceded defeat only to retract his pledge to hand over power just days later.

My hope is that Adama Barrow who won the election remains safe because anything else will plunge the country into chaos. My heart also goes out to the victims of the truck attack at a Berlin Christmas Market earlier this week.

A couple of friends and I were talking about why God would let something like that happen especially at this time of year. Similar thoughts cross my mind every time a Church or place of worship is targeted by terrorists. There’s also the young Turkish policeman who killed Andrey Karlov, Russia’s Ambassador to Turkey.

The gunman was only 22, gainfully employed and yet he didn’t seem to care about losing his life. His mother and siblings have since been arrested and I don’t think they share his views and I could be wrong but that’s something we should all always keep in mind.

Actions have consequences and many decisions we make may eventually affect our loved ones and friends who many times had nothing to do with our crazy acts.


While doing my last-minute Christmas shopping, I was almost got knocked over twice by two different shoppers with overflowing carts and I remember thinking to myself, "Do they really need all that?” Obviously, I don’t know them personally or how big their families are. They could be hosting a Christmas Party for their loved ones or friends and it’s certainly not my place to dictate how people should spend their money this time of year.

That said, I wish we didn’t focus so much on what we have to get for Christmas and instead made the day special for those less fortunate. Do something for those stricken kids in your neighbourhood or buy some supplies and groceries for that old man or woman who has no one to spend the holidays with.

Plenty of leftovers will be thrown away tomorrow and yet there are thousands who’ve barely had anything to eat in days!


To all the people behind the fake goods that flood our shops this time of year and retailers who trick us with discounts well knowing their merchandise is past its Sell-By date, God is watching. 

On that note, Merry Christmas everybody!