The new coordinator of the Rwanda Diaspora Global Network (RDGN), Daniel Murenzi, has said the transition team he was chosen to lead will focus more on aligning the group’s constitution to the interests of all Rwandan Communities Abroad (RCAs).
The new coordinator of the Rwanda Diaspora Global Network (RDGN), Daniel Murenzi, has said the transition team he was chosen to lead will focus more on aligning the group’s constitution to the interests of all Rwandan Communities Abroad (RCAs).
Murenzi, who was last week elected to lead the group in interim capacity, said he will ensure that a constitution guiding the RDGN activities is in place and that it is registered under the Rwanda Governance Board (RGB) as soon as possible.
"We have been elected to set up and modernise the operations of RDGN and make it more seamless with proper governance guided by the constitution. We want to align RDGN’s mandate with the interests of all RCAs.
"After constituting the proper governance structures and setting up a clear mandate, we shall call for elections in December next year and we will make sure that all RCA participate in all these exercises,’ Murenzi said.
Murenzi, who is based in Tanzania, was elected alongside four others; Tom Ntagozera; Theophile Rwigimba, Placide Uwokunda (Asia) and Catherine Muhimpundu (Africa).
Murenzi thanked the outgoing team headed by Alice Kabagire Cyusa saying that they did a lot in instilling unity among Rwandans abroad.
In an interview with The New Times, Cyusa said that all efforts by the new team should be geared towards making the Rwandan community abroad more involved in the country’s socio-economic transformation.
"I am pleased to have served as the head of RDGN. It is a responsibility I held so dear to my heart and thanks to everyone who believed in me,” Cyusa said.
"I urge the transition committee and Rwandans in the diaspora to strive for unity, patriotism and dignity among Rwandans abroad. Be goal-oriented and stay focused on the transformation of our motherland.”
RDGN activities are supervised by the Diaspora Directorate in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
According to Cyusa, RDGN supported an initiative to mobilise from Rwandan communities abroad, funds totaling $450,000, which were used to construct schools in Musanze and Nyamasheke Districts.
This was part of the efforts to support national education literacy programme.