Survivors should have a say in early release of Genocide convicts

Editor, Re: Genocide: Rwanda calls for probe into Theodor Meron decisions at UN court (The New Times December 21)

Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Demonstrators at the ICTR offices in Remera in 2013.(File)


Re: Genocide: Rwanda calls for probe into Theodor Meron decisions at UN court (The New Times December 21)

A convicted génocidaire has to motivate his or her request for an early release and answer to the questions of (the direct) genocide survivors in a public hearing, in full conformity of the Rwandan culture and traditions.

Of course one may say this is impossible because, unfortunately none of these convicted mass murderers by the UN court has been brought to serve his sentence in Rwanda, but there are several alternatives.

In conducting such consultative sessions prior to release of these convicts, we can use technology, which presents us with unlimited opportunities. Actually this has been done especially in cases of Genocide fugitives who were arrested in different countries and those countries chose to try them.

 In such cases, video-link has been used to facilitate the survivors not only to follow proceedings from any country in real time, but also give their testimonies.

The génocidaires slaughtered their compatriots on Rwandan soil. So, only genocide survivors are entitled to pardon a génocidaire.

The voice of genocide survivors should be heard and considered as decisive with regard of entitlements like early release for convicts among others.

At least they should have a say in it..

A.W.L. Balkema


The fundamental problem with the ICTR is that it has always been ABOUT ITSELF; the institution in search of self-legitimation, its judges, lawyers and the bureaucracy comprising it.

In this constellation, the victims, the survivors and the Rwandan society generally have all been turned into a merely disemboweled background.

Necessary to give justification to the establishment and self-perpetuation of this contraption, but whose own views and needs for justice, reconciliation and healing should be ignored (paid no heed at all).

It should not be allowed to get in the way of the superior interests of the legal profession’s ability to play at their abstract game of meaningless ‘justice’ and exercising their unaccountable power to forgive crimes they have absolutely no right to forgive, not being the victims or representatives of the victims of those crimes.

Mwene Kalinda


There should be serious consequences for those, like this so-called judge Theodor Meron, whose mission (I wonder on whose behalf!) seems to be to provide comfort to perpetrators of genocide.

The least of such consequences should be immediate termination - in disgrace -from the presidency of the MICT and a complete review of all these pro-genocidaires decisions he has pushed through to ascertain whether they have not been ultra vires and, if so, whether they should not in fact be reversed.
