Development as easy as learning to ride a bike

EASTERN PROVINCE BUGESERA—Of all things, a three-wheel bicycle has made a world of difference to members of Twitezembere farmers and livestock cooperative in Mayange sector.

Friday, September 28, 2007


BUGESERA—Of all things, a three-wheel bicycle has made a world of difference to members of Twitezembere farmers and livestock cooperative in Mayange sector.

The bicycle, worth Frw250,000 was donated by American-based NGO People to People.

Ralph Baard, who led a delegation of five members, said the donation was towards helping the cooperative members in fetching water for watering the trees they had planted.

Given together with six 20-litre jerrycans and a cold-storage container, the bicycle has the capacity to carry 90 kilograms at once. It was described as "soft ride” compared to ordinary bicycles.

Receiving the donation on behalf of the members, the executive secretary of Kangenge cell Emanuel Kayumba promised that the leadership would monitor its use and ensure it benefited all members.

Earlier last week, People to People donated an assortment of medical equipment to Mayange Health Centre, including thermometers, pressure-measuring machine and others worth Frw834,000, as well as $500 in hard currency.
