Umushyikirano: Citizen engagement is the way to go

It is very encouraging to read that nearly 2,000 citizens of all walks of life met at the iconic Kigali Convention Centre for the 14th edition of the National Dialogue (Umushyikirano) to assess Rwanda’s achievements registered over the last few years and to plan for the future.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Editor, RE: "Umushyikirano: 2000 citizens meet to chart national agenda” (The New Times, December 15).

It is very encouraging to read that nearly 2,000 citizens of all walks of life met at the iconic Kigali Convention Centre for the 14th edition of the National Dialogue (Umushyikirano) to assess Rwanda’s achievements registered over the last few years and to plan for the future.

This is a novel initiative when Rwandans not only in the country, but from abroad, have the opportunity of engaging with the Government and posing questions about the challenges, opportunities and growth agenda.

The fact that none other than President Paul Kagame himself chaired this meeting, reflects the strong resolve of the leadership not just to listen, but also to take corrective measures so as to fast track investments, growth and development.

Rwanda has been strongly advocating good governance, ease of doing business and zero tolerance to corruption. These, however, should not just be just thoughts or information printed in promotional literature. All these high ideals have to be put effectively into day to day practice.

After an investor has registered his or her business—which is done in a record time of under six hours, it is imperative that there is the necessary support and assistance from all concerned agencies so that investor confidence is boosted and commercial operations, with respect to the investments made, can commence within an optimum time frame.

Cost of capital is tremendous today. Hence, investor facilitation will help in "Shaping Together the Rwanda We Want”. Clarence Fernandes