Partnerships will deliver Rwanda’s development

Editor, RE: “New Peace Corps challenged to learn from Rwandan community” (The New Times, December 14).

Thursday, December 15, 2016


RE: "New Peace Corps challenged to learn from Rwandan community” (The New Times, December 14).

It is very encouraging to read about the commendable work being done by the American Peace Corps, which was founded by former US President John F. Kennedy in 1961.

It was Kennedy who said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”.

In today’s day and age, partnerships are key to success.

As US Chargé d’Affaires, Mathew Roth, remarked at the swearing in ceremony for forty five volunteers of the Peace Corps, it is important to "generously share knowledge, skills and experiences with the people of Rwanda”.

And, just as Ronald Campbell, Peace Corps country director remarked, that they are proud to be learning from Rwanda, it is without any doubt that we in India too should be proud to learn from Remarkable Rwanda’s successful Umuganda programme as well as the unique reconciliation initiative undertaken by the Government.

With effective partnerships, Rwanda will see many millions smiling, both in the country as well as across the globe.

Clarence Fernandes