Rapper P-Fla detained over drug abuse Urban Boyz part ways with manager over money issues Fake death news annoys Mr. Nice

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Urban Boyz part ways with manager over money issues

Cases of local artistes separating with their managers is not new on the local entertainment scene. In fact, it has always been said that Rwandan musicians have not been able to work under management for long.

This week; Urban Boys and one of their managers; DJ Cheetah, parted ways with the latter claiming that the group had failed to pay him his dues. DJ Cheetah, real name Dennis Rwema has been part of the group’s management team, particularly acting as their DJ, helping to promote their music and securing them music related deals.

Urban Boys

DJ Cheetah claims that he has been working for the group for long and was promised payment during the recent Primus Guma Guma Super Star (PGGSS) competition but even after winning the competition, nothing has ever materialised.

There is a rumor that the group owes many people and is allegedly sinking in more debt each day. If this is indeed true, then we offer prayers.

Rapper P-Fla detained over drug abuse

Rapper P-Fla is becoming more popular for feuds and drug arrests than the music accolades. We are told that the rapper is in police custody after he was caught abusing drugs. This is not the first time the rapper has been caught up in drug related issues.

Rapper P-Fla

In fact, we are told that he is blacklisted among the many local rappers who have failed to work under music management because of their unreliability that stems from alleged drug use. We can only offer a prayer in this case.

Fake death news annoys Mr. Nice

It is hard to think about Tanzanian singer Mr. Nice and you don’t break into song but the singer, who is popularly known for his Kiswahili songs including Kikulacho, First Lady, and Fagilia, has been sick for the most of the last two years. In 2015, he was bedridden and many feared he would die though he later recovered. In August this year, Mr. Nice was seriously ill and is yet to fully gain his strength back.

Mr. Nice

This week, social media went in overdrive when an unknown source announced that the singer was dead.

If many were surprised, Mr. Nice was also among them and took to the internet to express his annoyance stating, "Sometimes to be silent is a very big answer for foolish people,” Mr. Nice is not the first celebrity to be falsely announced dead. He joins the hall of false death fame as singer Lil Wayne, evangelist Joyce Meyer, talk show host Oprah Winfrey and comedian Anne Kansiime.

The singer is still here with us. Let’s wish him a long life.

Producer Pacento troubles come to an end

Producer Pacento of the Narrow Records and Creative Basic (CB)Records may be the man behind popular jams like ‘Till I Die’ of Urban Boyz and ‘Nyabarongo’ of Ama-G but the story that he will tell about 2016 has nothing to do with how many hits he worked on.


We are told that the talented producer has been in police custody for suspected human trafficking. The producer found himself in jail, over accusation of human trafficking after a woman by the name of Benitha Uwase who is an ex- girlfriend to singer Lil G allegedly disappeared after being last spotted with him.

Two days after he was apprehended, Uwase was found going on with her business. There is confusion on who could have reported the producer, but there is a rumor going around that a disagreement between lovers is to blame.

Pacento is back at work but he most definitely won’t be hanging around with women anytime soon.

Did Riderman snub Jay Polly?

Rapper Riderman has been a little silent since he became a husband and father last year but it looks like the silence is over. The talented entertainer will launch his album ‘Ukuri’ on Christmas Day and the list of musicians who will help him is out. It includes Urban Boyz, Bull Dogg, Fireman, Green P, King James, Social Mula, Ama-G, Christopher, Umutare Gaby and Jack-B. While the list includes most of the popular rappers, the absence of rapper Jay Polly’s name is glaring.


In the past, music fans have tried to compare the two, trying to gauge who is better. Could this be the reason why he was not invited? Well, Riderman has an answer. He says that he invited Jay Polly, but the latter said that on Christmas day he would be busy. Is there something that they are hiding? We will definitely keep an eye on this one.