Time for the French to pay for their crimes in Rwanda

Editor, RE: “Rwanda: Our Downfall” (The New Times, December 6).

Wednesday, December 07, 2016
French troops in Rwanda during the Genocide against the Tutsi. (Net photo)


RE: "Rwanda: Our Downfall” (The New Times, December 6).

Paris could indeed have got away with the ultimate of crimes in Rwanda in 1994 (during the Genocide against the Tutsi), had it rather than the RPF won the war and had there been no survivors and other direct witnesses to its crime of crimes.

Now, all the involved members of the French establishment whose hands are dripping with the blood of a million innocent Rwandans can do is shriek their impotence that they are refused the right they believe their station on the global stage grants them to forget their role as accomplices in genocide in a place of which the Accomplice-in-Chief (the father of Papa ma dit) said: In that kind of country, a genocide isn’t so important.

Psychopaths like these have a zero understanding of remorse or any reason they should be held accountable for mass murder in which they have been involved. They are only good at pontificating without any hint of irony regarding the obvious dissonance (to objective onlookers) about their actual behavior (outright criminal) and their moralizing self-regard.

Those lacking a conscience—all psychopaths—can never see anything wrong with whatever they do, even committing genocide. All they can see is what they perceive as the superiority of their interests and the utter unreasonableness of those who persist in bringing up things they would rather were not brought up that only serve to stain and damage their preciously cultivated image.

Mwene Kalinda