Our culture is our identity

Editor, RE: “Why we should support Akiwacu” (The New Times, December 6).

Wednesday, December 07, 2016


RE: "Why we should support Akiwacu” (The New Times, December 6).

Mwene Kalinda and Seth are completely wrong. There is no reason whatsoever we should congratulate Miss Colombe Akiwacu for showing her almost naked body on stage.

It is not a matter of being ultra-conservative, but rather Rwandans (including Mwene Kalinda and Seth) should know that custom and culture are very important for a nation, and a nation without culture is like a tree without roots.

A wise man once said: "Since identity stems from culture, and culture is developed out of the past, a people without history is a people without culture”.

Do Mwene Kalinda and Seth mean that Rwandans have no history? And, therefore, Rwandans have no culture? The modern world will never erase the history or culture of Rwandans. Only time will tell us.

John Peter