LETTERS: Imbuto Foundation has done a commendable job

It is without any doubt that in today’s modern generation, sexual reproductive health plays a pivotal role in the well-being of youth. It is commendable, therefore, that the Imbuto Foundation has taken the onus, along with UK Aid and other partners, to implement Innovation Accelerator.

Tuesday, December 06, 2016
Present at the event: (L-R) DFID Deputy Head Kenny Osborne, UNFPA Rwanda Deputy Representative Daniel Alemu, Imbuto Foundation Acting Director General Sandrine Umutoni and Dr. Anicet Nabonimpa, Reproductive Health and FP Expert at RBC. / File

Editor, RE: "New sexual reproductive health campaign launched(The New Times, December 2).

It is without any doubt that in today’s modern generation, sexual reproductive health plays a pivotal role in the well-being of youth.

It is commendable, therefore, that the Imbuto Foundation has taken the onus, along with UK Aid and other partners, to implement Innovation Accelerator.

This novel initiative aims at exploring new and engaging ways of tackling the sexual and health challenge while promoting social entrepreneurship among young people.

As Sandrine Umutoni, Acting Director General of the Imbuto Foundation, remarked, this campaign will "put a challenge to the youth to give us long lasting solutions that are business oriented and relate to sexual reproductive health among adolescents”.

Rwandan youth are always willing and ready to imbibe new ideas and take up tasks, which will enable them to make a difference to society and to the world.

Clarence Fernandes