Queen’s award is a great achievement for winners

Editor, RE: “Two Rwandans to receive special Queen’s award” (The New Times, December 2).

Tuesday, December 06, 2016


RE: "Two Rwandans to receive special Queen’s award” (The New Times, December 2).

It was such a pleasure to read this story about two enterprising young ladies, Yvette Ishimwe from Kayonza and Kellya Uwiragiye from Kigali, who have won the coveted Queen’s Young Leaders Award.

Winning any award is a great achievement in itself, but when the award is from none other than Her Majesty the Queen of England, it is all the more creditable and meaningful.

There is a well known saying that behind every successful man, there is a successful woman.

Likewise, behind every great achiever, there is a successful government which motivates citizens to perform to perfection and to emerge victorious on the international arena.

Rwanda’s focus on youth and women empowerment is commendable and the untiring efforts of the concerned ministries will continue to drive women and youth to strive for excellence.

Clarence Fernandes