Rwanda lose to Puerto Rico in Chess Olympiad

38th world chess OlympiadFirst roundBo. 104 Puerto Rico (PUR) - 145 Rwanda (RWA) 3: 0 Santa Torres Juan 2233 - Murara Maxence 1682 1: 0 Montalvo Alejandro 2223 - Ruzigura Alex *(never played) Raul Vazquez-Reyes 2099 - Kabera Godfrey 1949 1: 0 Bermudez Adams William 2169 - Ngendo Joseph 1: 0

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

38th world chess Olympiad
First round
Bo. 104 Puerto Rico (PUR) - 145 Rwanda (RWA) 3: 0
Santa Torres Juan 2233 - Murara Maxence 1682 1: 0
Montalvo Alejandro 2223 - Ruzigura Alex *(never played)
Raul Vazquez-Reyes 2099 - Kabera Godfrey 1949 1: 0
Bermudez Adams William 2169 - Ngendo Joseph 1: 0

RWANDA’S Chess team suffered a first round defeat in the 38th Dresden World Chess Olympiad in Germany after losing to Puerto Rico 3-0.

Rwanda’s captain and board one player Maxence Murara lost to Santa Torres Juan, Godfrey Kabera lost to Montalvo Alejandro ( ranked 2099) on board three while Joseph Ngendo fell to Bermudez Adams William (ranked 2169) on board four.

The other game which would have pitted Alex Ruzigura and Montalvo Alejandro on board two was never played.

The win pushed Puerto Rico into the second round while Rwanda was booted out of the competition.

The early exit continues the country’s poor performance on the international scene.

Of Rwanda’s quartet, Kabera and Murara are the highly placed players with international ranking of 1949 and 1682 points respectively.
