Minister Gatete roots for more private investments

There is need to strengthen systems and business climate to attract private sector investments to effectively eradicate poverty, the Minister for Finance and Economic Planning, Claver Gatete, has said.

Thursday, December 01, 2016

There is need to strengthen systems and business climate to attract private sector investments to effectively eradicate poverty, the Minister for Finance and Economic Planning, Claver Gatete, has said.

Gatete was speaking at the second High Level Meeting (HLM2) of the global partnership for effective development, which kicked off, yesterday, in Nairobi, Kenya, where he is representing Government of Rwanda.

Appearing on a panel discussion to discuss ‘Unleashing the potential of development cooperation to attract private investment’, yesterday, Gatete said: "Indeed development assistance has been crucial in alleviating poverty; however, we need to strengthen systems and business climate to attract private sector investments.

"We need to enable private sector partnerships between developed and developing countries.”

"We should put in place an effective legal and regulatory framework that enables private sector to participate in poverty eradication by streamlining public-private partnerships,” the minister added.

The four-day conference seeks to set priorities for improving development cooperation in the context of the global 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.Running under the theme: ‘Towards Inclusive and Accelerated Implementation of the 2030 Agenda,’ the HLM will provide a platform for Heads of State and Government, ministers, heads of international organisations, business community and civil society to showcase successes, as well as identify and scale up innovative approaches to sustainable development.