Kigali should keep the momentum

This is a beautifully crafted article. Africans visiting Kigali are awed by the cleanliness. One Sudanese once said: “It [Kigali] is cleaner than Rome, Lisbon and Athens”.

Thursday, December 01, 2016

Editor, RE: "Standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the best, and with only a little effort” (The New Times, November 30).

This is a beautifully crafted article. Africans visiting Kigali are awed by the cleanliness. One Sudanese once said: "It [Kigali] is cleaner than Rome, Lisbon and Athens”.

I am told African Union delegates, including Heads of State, couldn't believe their eyes and vowed to try emulate Rwanda—something I had predicted three years ago in my article: "Kigali is no longer an African city”.

Jean Kanyaru