RBS, do something!

Dear Editor, For long we have heard that Rwanda Bureau of Standard’s (RBS) plans to crackdown on wrong weights and measures.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Dear Editor,
For long we have heard that Rwanda Bureau of Standard’s (RBS) plans to crackdown on wrong weights and measures.

When I read your daily paper yesterday, I was quite shocked to find out that weighing scales in the Eastern province have been out of use for over two years and as a result, they are affecting cattle prices.

This clearly implies that the poor farmers are being cheated by unscrupulous cattle traders, as they do not have the right scales to determine value for money.

This is not the first time, Rwandans are complaining about wrong weights and measures! We appreciate the fact that the standards body managed to crackdown on wrong fuel dispensers, and according to news, the fuel sector is covered.

That is a great but remember it mainly benefits those with vehicles and such people are quite well off.

We need you to attend to the low income earners as well.

Please verify the weights and measures as soon as possible.