Electrogaz should offer quicker services

Dear editor, Management of Electrogaz should offer capacity building to people vending cash-power if the company wants to offer quicker services to the public.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Dear editor,

Management of Electrogaz should offer capacity building to people vending cash-power if the company wants to offer quicker services to the public.

At some point, the operators are too slow. Some of them blame the computer system for breaking down. This is very frustrating to join a long queue, later to be told that the computer is failing to ‘enter data’ after waiting for over 45 minutes.

Sincerely, how would you expect a customer to understand the fact that your computer will not ‘enter data? I think it is just a case of lack of necessary computer skills to correct a simple problem.

At ABC Supermarket, located at Sonatubes round about, the operator is completely ignorant about some minor computer problems.

After printing out one receipt, this fellow will comfortably communicate to people in the queue that the computer "has refused to enter any more data!” I therefore urge Electrogaz to hire more qualified people to retail cash power.
