A pedestrians’ code of conduct

Now that it is holiday time, it is the best time to work, develop and improve your talents. Every person on earth is born with a talent, and the only way to develop is to practice and exercise.A talent is a natural skill that can be developed or learnt. It could be in science, art and crafts, sports, music or any other field.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Now that it is holiday time, it is the best time to work, develop and improve your talents. Every person on earth is born with a talent, and the only way to develop is to practice and exercise.
A talent is a natural skill that can be developed or learnt. It could be in science, art and crafts, sports, music or any other field.

A child with an outstanding talent would be very wise to develop it whenever they can. Someone once told me that a talent is like a spare tyre. When the tyre bursts while driving, the spare tire is used to replace it quickly or if it is not your car, you can give your spare tyre to help another person whose car tyre has burst.

This means that while you are still studying, do not forget to sharpen your talents because they can be used to further your education or to help others.

When you look at the international football stars like Ronaldinho, Ronaldo, David Beckham, Thierry Henry and the rest, their talent in football is what has made them what they are today. I believe that if children identify their talents when still young, then their lives will be full of purpose as they grow.
