Learning proper table manners

Proper table manners do not come naturally. They are learnt and perfected with practice. Proper conduct while eating is important because you save yourself and your parents embarrassment when visitors come.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Proper table manners do not come naturally. They are learnt and perfected with practice. Proper conduct while eating is important because you save yourself and your parents embarrassment when visitors come.

As the saying goes, "Old habits die hard”. This means that children who are not trained in proper table manners, become adults with bad eating habits.

Bad table manners

• Playing and pushing food around on the plate.
• Chewing while your mouth is open.
• Eating while watching television.
• Talking with food in your mouth.
• Picking at your teeth during the meal

Practice these good table manners
• Eat at the same time with the rest of the family
•Take small bites of food at a time to avoid food pouring out of your mouth while you are chewing.
• Chew your food silently.
• Wait for everyone to finish eating before you leave. If you must leave, ask for excuse.
• Serve yourself food that you can finish.
• Try to clear plates and dishes after the meal.

Learn good table manners when still a child in order to avoid embarrassment in future.
