Wildlife Discovery!

Hopping Kangaroos Kangaroos are wild animals that live in bushes and around beaches. During the day, they are shy and prefer resting in the shade.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Hopping Kangaroos

Kangaroos are wild animals that live in bushes and around beaches. During the day, they are shy and prefer resting in the shade.

Kangaroos are afraid of people and will hop away if approached. They are more active in the evening and at night.
They are usually found in the endless Australian deserts.

These animals are of different species but the common ones are three. The Eastern Grey, the Western Grey and the Red kangaroo species.

Red Kangaroos are the biggest and the most common species. With a height of 2 meters, they weigh up to 90 kg. They have very strong legs that enable them to hop and move for long distances.

They can hop as fast as 70 km per hour over short distances. However, they usually hop at 20km per hour over long distances. This fast speed enables them to run away from predators and search for food and water.

They also have a pouch or bag-like formation on their front where they carry their babies. When female kangaroos give birth, they keep the baby in the pouch for 9 months while they suck milk from their mothers.

A Kangaroo’s life expectancy is between 9 to 18 years, with some living until they are 30.
