Stuck in Musanze

Every time I travel to Musanze I see new things and acquire new thinking. Also, every time that I travel to Musanze I get stuck there. It’s the reason I’m typing this from up north, as opposed to the wi-fi hot spots where I usually go to tap a free and fast connection in Kigali.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Every time I travel to Musanze I see new things and acquire new thinking. Also, every time that I travel to Musanze I get stuck there. It’s the reason I’m typing this from up north, as opposed to the wi-fi hot spots where I usually go to tap a free and fast connection in Kigali.

Actually, whenever I travel to Musanze and have to return to Kigali the same day, I quietly say to myself that ‘no work done’.

For one to fully enjoy Musanze, one must get stuck there and one must make their self oblivious to the concept of time.

As a Kigalian, one of the first things I learnt about Musanze is the fact that no serious and cultured person ever travels from Kigali without the mandatory stop at Sina Gerard’s Enterprise Urwibutso at Nyirangarama.

You must make a stop here. After all there is so much that one can do while at Sina’s; answer nature’s call, and by this I mean go take a pee, because Sina Gerard has been that generous to donate free toilets to travelers. But usage of Sina Gerard’s toilets ought to be limited to only the short call of nature. This is just not the place to go heavy duty.

Another thing worth making a stopover at Nyirangarama for is their Agashya fruit drink. Whenever I’m here I make sure to stock half a carton of Agashya because the prices are farm-gate; this is where the stuff is made. Also, it’s not very easy to find Agashya in Kigali, even in those famed Amata na Fanta bikonje shops.

Long live Agashya, long live Sina.

Musanze is also an extremely cold place. You know that a place is that cold when it has all the markings of a tourist/holiday destination like is the case with Musanze, but that does not have even just a handful of swimming pools to call its own.

On Friday night while clubbing away with friends at Volcana Lounge in Musanze town, I eavesdropped on a Musanze investor who might soon see an end to this trend.

He has a brilliant concept – construct the country’s first hot water swimming pool. Let’s wait and see.

Musanze has soils so fertile, if you buried chicken eggs in these soils, they would germinate into huge trees. It’s one of the very few places on earth where there is no such thing as ‘over cropping’. The corn and sorghum and millet fields are usually so packed, so thick with growth, they look like level playing fields from afar.

End of story …ooops! End of today’s Loose Talk.