EDITORIAL: Eradicating extreme poverty by 2020 is attainable

Ubudehe, a stratification system, is one of the social protection programmes put in place by the government. The population is classified in different categories depending on their vulnerability and those in need receive support accordingly.

Friday, November 04, 2016

Ubudehe, a stratification system, is one of the social protection programmes put in place by the government.

The population is classified in different categories depending on their vulnerability and those in need receive support accordingly.

That and other social protection programmes has helped remove over million people from abject poverty over the last few years, which in itself is a commendable feat in a region that daily struggles with social issues.

Now the government wants to go a step further by completely eradicate poverty in the next four years.

The World Bank, like many international institutions, always listens attentively when Rwandan technocrats speak about government policies to improve lives. They know it is not idle talk.

Just this week, the Bank extended a $95 million loan to the country to be used on social protection programmes. It has been a constant witness that when the government is given money, it is put to good use, exactly what it was meant for. 

Programmes such as the One-cow-per family have contributed strongly to poverty reduction and improving nutrition and infant mortality.

The International Fund for Agriculture Development knows that too well. Just yesterday it came on board with a $65.1 million package to go towards improving the dairy sector.

Official figures show that the dairy sector accounts for 10.5 per cent of the agriculture sector’s contribution to the GDP while milk production alone last year contributed over $162 million.

All that said, one could confidently say that the government’s ambitious plan to wipe out extreme poverty is attainable.