8 drivers held over bribery attempts

Eight drivers, who are said to have attempted to bribe traffic police officers, have been arrested.

Thursday, November 03, 2016

Eight drivers, who are said to have attempted to bribe traffic police officers, have been arrested.

The suspects include Jean Bosco Ndabarinze, 43, and Jean de Dieu Safari, 31, who were apprehended on Tuesday in Nyamirambo attempting to offer a bribe of Rwf150, 000.

According to the spokesperson for traffic and road safety department, Chief Inspector of Police Emmanuel Kabanda, the duo who was at the time doing practical driver’s license tests, offered the bribe after they failed, to have their names included among those who had passed.

"They were immediately arrested and taken to Nyamirambo Police station with the exhibit seized to facilitate judicial proceedings,” CIP Kabanda said.

"The other six suspects, all professional drivers, had also attempted to give bribes ranging from Rwf3, 000 to Rwf12, 000 after they were caught violating traffic rules and regulations,” he added.

They include one Twagirayezu Karegeya, who had parked his vehicle in a prohibited place in Gakenke trading centre, Gakenke District.

Other five, all arrested in Kigali, are François Nkeshimana, who allegedly offered a bribe of Rwf12, 000; François Murerente (Rwf5, 000); Eric Twagirimana (Rwf3, 000); Patrick Tuyishimire (Rwf5, 000) and Desire Mahoro who allegedly tried to offer Rwf 3,000 in bribes.

"We are on the roads to ensure the safety of the people not to be bribed to put people’s lives at stake; this habit which is especially high among drivers should stop and it’s simple, follow road safety rules, value the life of others and go through proper channels to acquire a legal service,” said CIP Kabanda.

"Violating rules and trying to give bribes to get away with it will only put you in more trouble because the penalty for the initial offence will still stand on top of being arrested and prosecuted for bribery,” he said, adding that all of the six drivers were also penalised for the traffic offences they had committed.

He warned that Police will have no mercy to whoever tries to buy illegal services or attempts to access a legal service in an illegal way.
