AYC infrastructure ready-Cocan

THE organising committee of next year’s African Youth Championship, Cocan is contented with the infrastructural preparations ahead of the 16th edition of the African youth championship due in Kigali from January 18-February 1, 2009.

Monday, November 17, 2008

THE organising committee of next year’s African Youth Championship, Cocan is contented with the infrastructural preparations ahead of the 16th edition of the African youth championship due in Kigali from January 18-February 1, 2009.

Cocan Spokesman, Jules Kalisa said in a press conference on Friday that the organizing committee can now keep a smile on their faces after realising drastic improvements in the infrastructure (stadiums, accommodation and transport).

"We are happy because 80% of the work in regard to infrastructure and everything needed to host next year’s U-20 edition has been done,” Kalisa said.

According to Kalisa, six hotels have been earmarked to offer accommodation to teams, journalists and delegates from Fifa and Caf. The hotels include; Serena, Novotel, Mille Collines, Gorilla, Stipp and Top Tower hotels respectively.

International media whose expenses are not catered for by the continental football body (CAF) will foot their accommodation expenses.

He also said that Cocan has received offers from different transport companies to transport the teams, officials and the fans.

With a directive that all facilities should meet Fifa standards, King Faycal hospital was chosen by Caf to handle any cases that need medical attention during the two week continental event.
