Customer care is still poor

Dear EditorI wish to express my dissatisfaction with the way some Rwandans conduct their businesses here in Kigali. There is generally poor customer care.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Dear Editor
I wish to express my dissatisfaction with the way some Rwandans conduct their businesses here in Kigali. There is generally poor customer care.

It’s really annoying when you enter a shop to buy a commodity and as you ask for the price, the shopkeeper looks at you, from hair  to toe and then tells you that you can’t afford the price.

I wonder what yardstick they use for measuring the shallowness or deepness of one’s pocket.

If lenient, they may tell you the cost and then look away as if you have actually come to waste their time.

One time, I was told by a receptionist at one of Kigali’s dry cleaners that I couldn’t afford the cost of dry cleaning my suit.

This happened at a time when I had over Rwf700, 000 in my pocket and I was forced to pull it out as proof that I could foot the bill. She looked at me with disbelief!

At many restaurants and hotels, waiters and waitresses will hurriedly offer their services to customers with a particular skin colour.

What is all this? Who says skin colour determines spending capability?

Well, now that we (Rwandans) are part of the East African Community, it is important that business people revise their customer care qualities.

With increased competitiveness from EAC member states, our people will lose out onbusiness.