It is a question of morality or lack of it?

Following the arrest of Rose Kabuye at Frankfurt international airport in Germany, many things have started to emerge as regards to the extent to which the French authorities are willing to go in their efforts to bring down the leadership of our country.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Following the arrest of Rose Kabuye at Frankfurt international airport in Germany, many things have started to emerge as regards to the extent to which the French authorities are willing to go in their efforts to bring down the leadership of our country.

Abdul Joshua Ruzibiza came out of wherever he has been holed up and retracted his testimony that was used by the French magistrate Louis Bruguire to indict top leaders in the country. 

Ruzibiza is a man who rose to infamy because of his allegations which have been circulated widely on the internet and clearly seen as bogus. His retraction is telling.

Even before retracting his testimony and allegations, they were always incredible and impossible to believe for any unbiased person. But clearly many would be shocked by the audacity with which he had to concoct such wild allegations.

Shocked by how such people would go to a great extent to making up such allegations for whatever interests. His allegations were false from the outset and were definitely designed to serve political purposes.

Ruzibiza along with others wrote and had their concocted testimonies or open letters circulated on the internet. At the time all of them had left the country and some had embarked on what amounted to treasonous missions against their country. That rendered their allegations incredible.

Whatever their motivation, their interests met at a confluence with the interests of the French and as such, they became tools of  the likes of Bruguire and the powerful  interests he works for in France, to try and bring down not only their own government and also destroy their own nation-and survival of a people. Some would argue that these individuals were driven by personal ambition.

But with Ruzibiza making an about turn and telling how it all happened and who used him in that incredible campaign, many will wait to see what the anti-Kigali coalition will come up with, to sustain their narrative. One can easily determine what this is all about. I

t’s the neo-colonial interests of yesteryear metamorphosing into something new. So, as they say whoever alleges, must prove and to prove one has to bring credible witnesses. How the French will go about proving such a fictitious case, is best known to them.

But beyond all these perverted legal and political gymnastics, is a moral question. A moral question that remains unanswered. One realises that things get to a point where by people start wondering if some have no conscience. How can supposedly civilised elite fail to admit basic truths?

The French political elite seem unwilling to admit their failures and apologise to the Rwandan people and the rest of the world for what they did. They have been fomenting trouble in many countries especially on the African continent with a ruthless determination driven by evil intentions.

As the Genocide against Tutsis got underway in 1994, many started playing around with words, refusing to admit that it was a genocide unfolding. Some called it a tribal conflict and others simply said that what was happening were massacres.

And after all they seemed to postulate that many parts of Africa had seen massacres and that that was "normal” in what they saw as a basket case continent.

With that, they looked the other way and for the French, they thought intervening in what they called Operation Turquoise was the best thing to do.

Instead of reigning in on the genocidaires and ensuring that their client regime then on the brink of defeat stopped the Genocidal carnage, opted to give a helping hand to the killers.

After that, they went ahead to evacuate the criminals and have since then supported the remnants of the genocidaires to launch a come back to finish their mission of killing.

In this entire circus, we get to realise that whereas we have a leadership with a moral reason to lead, others in the so –called civilised West remain in the game of what some would term as "real politic”-a game of influence.

This tells us that they simply see Rwanda and the rest of Africa as a play ground for their game of interests.
