Kabuye arrest; 7 down, how many more to freezing point?

Today, we begin the first week that Rose Kabuye is held behind bars in the German town of Frankfurt, and frankly speaking, the authors of this miscarriage of justice have taken more than a mouthful. They had not bargained for Rose, as she is popularly known, deciding to meet them on their own turf, under their own rules. While for Rwandans Rose’s decision is the ultimate act of sacrifice– for her own freedom as well as her country’s honour– pundits are predicting a boomerang effect on Judge Bruguière’s blunder. They even go further to wonder whether France will risk being made a fool of itself by holding a public trial that its well knows is based on lies and Machiavellian plots to shield itself from the fallout of its blind support of a genocidal regime.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Today, we begin the first week that Rose Kabuye is held behind bars in the German town of Frankfurt, and frankly speaking, the authors of this miscarriage of justice have taken more than a mouthful.

They had not bargained for Rose, as she is popularly known, deciding to meet them on their own turf, under their own rules.

While for Rwandans Rose’s decision is the ultimate act of sacrifice– for her own freedom as well as her country’s honour– pundits are predicting a boomerang effect on Judge Bruguière’s blunder.

They even go further to wonder whether France will risk being made a fool of itself by holding a public trial that its well knows is based on lies and Machiavellian plots to shield itself from the fallout of its blind support of a genocidal regime.

From the very first day, Rose requested for an immediate transfer to France, seven days later, she is still waiting to hear from Paris, who by now should be wringing their hands wondering how to get out of a self-inflicted quagmire.

Rose was the bait, the French the bite? That seems to be the one million dollar question on the minds of close observers of this judicial war between Paris and Kigali.

Many are gearing for an epic battle in French courtrooms where it promises to be a no-hands-barred duel– if the French don’t chicken out (that would be understandable because winter is here, and with it comes cold feet).

The Ruzibiza bombshell should still be ringing in Bruguière successors’ ears, who are suddenly left holding a plate too hot to handle. Will they wait for the clock to run out and declare a mistrial, or will they bite the bullet? Time will tell, After Day Eight.
