Residents form English club

WESTERN PROVINCE RUSIZI — A group of residents in Kamembe Sector, Rusizi district have formed an English club.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


RUSIZI — A group of residents in Kamembe Sector, Rusizi district have formed an English club.

Talking to The New Times in an exclusive interview on Thursday, the club’s President and founder, Hamissi Banyuzuriyeho, explained that they formed the club in order to teach area residents how to read, write and speak English.

This, he said, would enhance their ability to engage in meaningful business in the East African Community (EAC).

"As you know Rwanda joined the East African Community, so we as focused residents are positioning ourselves to compete favourably with other English speakers in the EAC countries,” Banyuzuriyeho said.

The club was formed two weeks ago and they teach residents free of charge. They conduct their lessons from 4:00 pm to 6:00pm from Monday-Friday at the Kamembe Islamic Primary School.

Banyuzuriyeho added that they use different instructional materials including text books and The New Times newspapers.

Currently, the club has enrolled over 30 people, according to Banyuzuriyeho. He said that they are still mobilising other residents to register - as they plan to buy other teaching aids like tape recorders, televisions in order to facilitate their work.

Apart from teaching English, he said, the club members would also work with the local authorities in encouraging residents to take part in all government programmes including community work, unity, and reconciliation campaigns and protecting the environment.

One of the club members, Jeanette Kampire said: "We thank Banyuzuriyeho and his colleagues for coming up with the idea of forming up this English club. It would help us French speakers to learn English easily.”
