Aunt’s corner

Dear Aunt Silvia, I am a young married woman with no children. I went for an official trip abroad, and my husband did not know the date I was to come back.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Dear Aunt Silvia,

I am a young married woman with no children. I went for an official trip abroad, and my husband did not know the date I was to come back.

On my return, I immediately headed straight home, only to find my husband in bed with my best friend. They were both very shocked to see me, but I have since walked out of my marriage. Now my husband is asking for forgiveness.

Dear Louise,

To err is human, to forgive is divine. Your husband humiliated you by sleeping around with your best friend, but you need to have the virtue of forgiveness.

You might not be able to forget but you can have the heart to forgive, especially when you still love your husband. First thing for you to do is to salvage your marriage, and then do away with that person whom you call a friend yet she goes behind your.

Try as much as possible to keep a small and close group of friends whom you trust, then try to go back to normal life. Normal might be a little hard to achieve the first few months after you go back to your husband, but trust that you will be okay and that with time, the pain will disappear and in its place the love you had for him will come back.

Learn to trust him again. Just because he cheated on you, doesn’t mean he will cheat on you again. Do not push him further away by reminding him all the time that he cheated and you are not about to trust him again.

Why would you want him back in your life if you can not trust him again? Trust can be a hard thing to gain after loosing it but with time and continuous effort on your side you can learn to trust your partner again. Avoid asking your partner every time he goes out if he is going to meet with the other person.
