Looking for a job, be ready to equip yourself with necessary skills

Dear counsellor, I graduated sometime back from the university. However, my efforts to find a job have all been in vain. Sometimes, I feel bored and frustrated because of sitting home the whole day, doing nothing. What should I do?

Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Dear counsellor,

I graduated sometime back from the university. However, my efforts to find a job have all been in vain. Sometimes, I feel bored and frustrated because of sitting home the whole day, doing nothing. What should I do?



Whether you’re looking for your very first job or re-entering the job market after an extended period of joblessness, finding a job requires knowing the basic principles of using your latest job-seeking techniques to display all your relevant technical expertise and demonstrate your unique competencies in a most logical manner over several other job seekers.

Take time and reflect carefully on the opportunities you are pursuing and the possible obstacles that could hinder you from your dream job. Do you have the right skills? Do you present yourself well to the interview panel? Is your CV convincingly attractive and up-to-date? You must realize that you are competing against hundreds or thousands of other applicants who are probably better than you in many aspects. Increase your exposure by developing personal relationships and connections with people in the field you want to be.

Attend conferences, workshops and career fairs to improve your network. Think about people that can help you, such as professors, former classmates or your relatives and friends. You never know who in your network may hold a promising opportunity. Don’t be hesitant to send them a message or take them out for coffee and ask respectfully. 

Building your own brand is a significant step towards getting a job. Branding yourself can help people understand your values and objectives quickly with regard to what you want to do. Make a list of all of your skills, determine which kinds of companies and organizations need them most.

Enrich yourself with the basic technology and keep depositing your smart applications to any career opportunities you come across in the newspapers, Internet, radios or TV stations. Different recruiters may be impressed by your CV and develop an idea of hiring you. 

It’s also crucial that you find a wide variety of volunteer opportunities that will teach you different skills and give you a great breadth of experience. Alternatively, you can choose to become an entrepreneur and start your own business. There are lots of different businesses that can be launched without massive amounts of capital. Good examples include home-based businesses, consulting services and media publishing. Don’t give up.