New Times should increase circulation

Dear Editor, We would like to thank you for bringing to us the daily news from within the country and around the world. My request however, is that you increase circulation of the paper.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Dear Editor,

We would like to thank you for bringing to us the daily news from within the country and around the world. My request however, is that you increase circulation of the paper.

For long we have been complaining to your circulation department but in vain. Some of us are located in places where radio signals are not very clear and rely on your paper to know what is happening around us.

People like me, for example, work in the out skirts of Kigali but the organisation I work for subscribes monthly for your daily. Unfortunately, it is quite disappointing that we normally get three issues per week and even these arrive at the end of the week.

We are never up to date because we read history! Please improve circulation because we need to know what is happening around us, on a daily basis.
