Despite his resignation as the club secretary general, Sheikh Hamdan Habimana has donated Rwf10 million to Mukura Victory Sports ahead of the start of the 2016/17 season that kicks off on October 14.
Despite his resignation as the club secretary general, Sheikh Hamdan Habimana has donated Rwf10 million to Mukura Victory Sports ahead of the start of the 2016/17 season that kicks off on October 14.
On top of the money, the former SG also pledged to provide buses for transportation of the team for the away league matches.
"I will continue to support the club because I am a fan. I advise the new SG to assist the club in whatever way, especially to commit himself to help the players in their daily challenges,” Sheikh Habimana said.
He added: "Mukura is my club at heart and although I resigned as SG, I will continue to support to the club in whatever way I can. I value Mukura more than anything and I will continue to support the club as a fan,” Habimana told Times Sport in a phone interview.
Both Sheikh Habimana and the club president Olivier Nzeyimana resigned from their posts last week citing personal reasons.
Meanwhile, the Huye-based club has announced it will spend Rwf157m in the next season. The money will be raised by their main sponsor Huye District and fans as well as well-wishers.