German Federal Minister for Environment, Nature Conservation to visit Rwanda

The German Federal Minister for Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety Dr. Barbara Hendricks is expected in Rwanda for a two-day official visit from September 26 to 28, the German embassy in Kigali said on Monday.

Monday, September 19, 2016

The German Federal Minister for Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety Dr. Barbara Hendricks is expected in Rwanda for a two-day official visit from September 26 to 28, the German embassy in Kigali said on Monday.

Minister Dr. Hendricks, who will lead a delegation of Germans, will meet her counterparts, Minister of Natural Resources, Dr. Vincent Biruta and Lina Pohl, Minister of Environment and Natural Resources from El Salvador with whom she will hold trilateral talks about sustainable management of natural resources, according to a statement.

The meeting will provide an excellent opportunity to exchange on the individual national experiences and views in relation to Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) and national strategies, plans and programmes in place or under development.

There will also be discussions about the further implementation of the Bonn-Challenge-Process.

The Bonn-Challenge is an international action platform launched in 2011 in Bonn/ Germany.

It is aiming to make the fight against deforestation a high political priority in all affected countries.

Efforts to reduce deforestation and forest landscapes restoration (FLR) go hand in hand. The Bonn Challenge is an effective and voluntary tool for contributing to economic growth, rural development, soil conservation and global climate benefits.

Also, Minister Hendricks will visit several Afforestation projects within the country and a German Solar energy Project.

He will then address press conference on September 26 at the Kigali Memorial Centre in Gisozi.